Začel se je teden solidarnosti z grškim ljudstvom (11-17. februar) – PS Združena levica izrazila podporo grškemu ljudstvu in Sirizi

Na današnjem izrednem zasedanju evroskupine bo grški finančni minister Janis Varufakis evropskim finančnim ministrom predstavil načrte grške vlade, potem ko se je v prejšnjem tednu seznanil z njihovimi stališči. Čeprav konkretnih odločitev ni pričakovati, se bo stopnjeval pritisk Evropske komisije, Evropske centralne banke in nekaterih EU vlad na predstavnike grškega ljudstva, da morajo nadaljevati z varčevalno politiko in odplačevanjem dolgov.

V PS Združena levica smo se odzvali povabilu tovarišic in tovarišev iz Sirize in danes obiskali veleposlanika Grčije v Sloveniji. V prijateljskem pogovoru smo izrazili vso podporo Združene levice grškemu ljudstvu in mu predali pismo podpore, ki ga objavljamo spodaj.

Solidarnostne akcije, ki se bodo odvile v tem tednu, lahko spremljate na tej povezavi


Dear friends and comrades from Syriza,

Today is a big day for you and a big day for Europe. Our eyes are looking towards Greece, starving to see another victory. This time victory against Eurocrats and victory against austerity!

In last three weeks, you have shown to us, you have shown to all Europe, that you can! You won the elections with almost absolute majority, you stood firm against Troika and that you resisted all the European centers of power! You are the first government in Europe that is willing and able to protect its own people against the oppression from international capital.

You proved to all the peoples of Europe that another Europe is possible. That we can change Europe, we can take it back from Eurocrats, capital and financial markets and transform it into an Europe of solidarity, welfare and peace. Today, you are struggling for our common better future.

Friends, comrades, just keep it on! Show the Eurocrats that peoples of Europe are not willing to bend under pressures of capital anymore, show them that we are standing against them united!

Your struggle is our struggle!

Comrades from United left of Slovenia

Ljubljana, 11. february 2015
