Skupina uglednih intelektualcev je v podporo Aleksisu Ciprasu, kandidatu stranke Evropske levice za predsednika evropske komisije, napisala naslednjo deklaracijo.
Stoletje po izbruhu prve svetovne vojne in sedemdeset let po koncu druge svetovne vojne je Evropa na razpotju. V kolikor obstoječe avtoritarne neoliberalne politike ne bodo odpravljene, Evropo in svet čakajo katastrofalne posledice: nadaljnji razkroj in zaton demokracije, porast revščine in poglabljanje neenakosti, nadaljnje uničevanja naravnega okolja ter neizogiben vzpon skrajno desnih fašističnih gibanj, ki se napajajo iz obupa, rojenega v pogojih brezposelnosti, brezperspektivnosti in socialne prikrajšanosti. Za drugačno Evropo se mora Evropska unija vrniti k svojim izhodiščem: miroljubja, demokracije in socialne pravičnosti. Takšna Evropa potrebuje in si zasluži nov koncept družbenega upravljanja, ki bo utemeljen na principih svobode, enakosti in solidarnosti, ki so bile v zadnjih desetletjih pozabljene in izdane s strani liberalcev in socialnih demokratov.
Kandidatura Aleksisa Ciprasa, predsednika grške SYRIZE, Koalicije radikalnih levih gibanj za predsednika Evropske komisije ima tudi močan simbolni pomen. Grčija je bila namreč poskusni zajec velikega neoliberalnega eksperimenta, ki je državo pripeljal do zdaj že vsem znanega stanja vsesplošne humanitarne krize. Nominacija Ciprasa, kandidata Evropske levice za predsednika Evropske komisije, tako prinaša novo upanje. Upanje, da bodo avtoritarne neoliberalne politike ustavljene in odpravljene.
Etienne Balibar, Distinguished Professor, Comparative Literature School of Humanities University of California, Irvine
Costas Douzinas, Professor of Law, Pro-Vice Master for International Links and Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities
Chantal Mouffe, Professor of Political Theory at the University of Westminster
Drucilla Cornell, Professor of law, women’s studies and political science at Rutgers University
Tariq Ali, Writer, journalist, and filmmaker. Member of the editorial committee of the New Left Review and Sin Permiso, and contributor to The Guardian, CounterPunch, and the London Review of Books
Lynne Segal, Anniversary Professor of Psychology and Gender Studies at Birkbeck College, London
Slavoj Zizek, Senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and visiting professor at a number of American Universities (Columbia, Princeton, New School for Social Research, New York University, University of Michigan)
Hilary Wainwright, Co-editor of Red Pepper and research director of the New Politics Project of the Transnational Institute, Amsterdam
Athena Athanasiou, Professor, Department of Social Anthropology at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, in Athens, Greece
Jacqueline Rose, Professor of English at Queen Mary, University of London
Judith Butler, Maxine Elliot Professor in the Departments of Rhetoric and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Berkeley & Hannah Arendt Professor of Philosophy at the European Graduate School
Joanna Bourke, Professor of History in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at Birkbeck College
Wendy Brown, Senior Invited Fellow of the Center for Humanities at Cornell University; visiting professor at Columbia University
Jodi Dean, Professor of Political and Media Theory in Geneva, New York
Doreen Massey, Professor Emeritus, Geography, The Open University UK
Sandro Mezzadra, Associate Professor of Political Theory at the University of Bologna
Bruce Robbins, Old Dominion Foundation Professor of the Humanities, Department of English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University
Leo Panitch, Distinguished Research Professor of Political Science at York University
Adolphe Reed, Professor, University of Pennsylvania
Doug Henwood, Journalist, economic analyst, and financial trader who writes frequently about economic affairs for the Left Business Observer
Johann Kresnik, Austrian dancer, choreographer and director
Martijn Konings, Lecturer in the Department of Political Economy, University of Sydney
Frances Fox Piven, Professor of Political Science and Sociology at The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Enzo Traver, Professor of Political Science at the University of Picardie-Jules Verne, Amiens, and visiting lecturer at the Free University of Berlin