Volitve 2018: mednarodna podpora

Pisma in posnetki podpore naših tovarišic in tovarišev iz tujine.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon (La France Insoumise)

Anne Sabourin (PCF)

Jon Lansman (Momentum)

Levica is an inspiring breakthrough for socialist politics not only in Slovenia and the Balkans but across the east of Europe. In their time in parliament, Levica has stood up for working people – fighting for a higher minimum wage and against austerity cuts, for debt relief and free school meals for children in poverty. They’ve also been a champion of LGBT rights at a time of conservative backlash and, as governments across Europe adopt increasingly anti-immigrant positions, they have unequivocally supported migrants’ rights. Now is the time to support a real alternative to the broken economic system which results in deep social inequality, a growing far-right and environmental disaster. Best wishes to Levica in this weekend’s election.

Jon Lansman, chair of Momentum

Heinz Bierbaum (Die Linke)

Dear Comrades,

We gladly support you in your fight for a better, a democratic and socialist society.

Not only in Slovenia but in the whole of Europe, we see a spreading of nationalism and right- wing populism, a growing distrust among the population against foreigners deriving from the feeling of being left behind. We need forces like you that address the problems of the majority of the people instead of the elites or businesses, aiming to improve the living conditions and social surroundings, while at the same time fighting against the established politics of austerity and privatisations.

With European elections a year ahead we have to align our forces and commit to a common struggle for a more democratic and social European Union, which promotes peace instead of increasing its military budget or fortifying its borders. A Union which is a liveable home for all its citizens, no matter in which country they live or which part of the world they come from. A Union which focuses on solidarity and balance among the states and its people.

Let us fight together for a strong left opposition to the growing neoliberal, conservative and right-wing populist forces. Let us fight for those people that need us most, the poor, the discriminated against, the weak and the unheard. Let us fight for a social and ecological transformation of our societies.

We are sure that you invested a lot of energy and passion in the election campaign. Let it be worthwile! We wish you good results and look forward to further cooperation in the future.

In Solidarity,

Heinz Bierbaum
Head of the International Commission

Radnička fronta

V luči predčasnih parlamentarnih volitev, ki bodo v Sloveniji 3. junija, se je Radnička fronta odločila podpreti Levico. Moramo se zavedati, da se skupi boj za ekonomsko demokracijo, enakopravnost in socialno varnost, ohranitev družbenega in okoljskega blaga, demokratični socializem, a proti revščini in izkoriščanju delavcev ne more omejiti na ozke okvire nacionalnih držav. Kapital nima lastnega naroda. Prav tako tudi odpor proti kapitalizmu ne moremo zapreti v meje ene same države. V času, v katerem nas poskušajo razdeliti z nacionalno delitvijo, izmišljenimi mejnimi spori, nacionalizmom in rehabilitacijo fašizma se je Levica zmeraj bila pripravljena takim poskusom upreti in povedati ne. Prav na take poskuse delitve smo skupaj opozarjali s protesti v Piranskem zalivu, v Bleiburgu/Pliberku in na številnih drugih dogodkih. Nujne in temeljne spremembe današnje družbe in ekonomije lahko pričakujemo le s skupnim bojem. Zatorej izražamo prisrčno podporo Levici.

Levica je po uspehu na parlamentarnih volitvah leta 2014 svoj boj za boljšo in bolj pravično družbo nadeljevala v parlamentu, pa tudi zunaj njegovih okvirjev z nadaljnjim aktivizmom. Vsak nov uspeh Levice je tudi spodbuda ostalim levim strankam in gibanjem v regiji. Upamo na čim boljši uspeh Levice na bližajočih se volitvah. Hkrati pa smo sigurni, da se bo naše dosedanje sodelovanje na doseganju skupnih ciljev nadeljevalo. Vsak uspeh naših tovarišica in tovarišev iz Levice je nadaljnji korak proti bolj pravični prihodnosti, h kateri hrepenimo.

Radnička fronta si želi povabiti vse svoje simpatizerke in simpatizerje v Sloveniji, vse leve, družbeno ozaveščene in progresivne volilce, in vse tiste, ki verjamejo, da je boljši svet mogoč, da se udeleže na volitvah 3. junija in s svojim glasom za Levico pokažejo, da so pripravljeni na nadaljnji solidarni boj. Prihodnji uspeh na bližajočih se parlamentarnih volitvah bo pomemben korak naprej za Slovenijo in celotno regijo. Čeprav nas čaka še dolga in težka pot, se boj nadaljuje!

Tiina Sandberg (Suomen Kommunistinen Puolue)

It is clear that people of Europe have seen the consecuenses of austerity politics. They know that we are not saving money for us, but for the big companies, banks and capital in general. They know that something needs to be done and now they are doing it.

Big movements have always changed the history. In a past politicians used to listen more what people said to them. Unfortunately Now a days they tend to block their ears and just listen to money. That is why we need more movements like Levica, who are able to take not only the streets and hearts of the people but also gain political power.

We also know from experience that it is in deed very hard to maintain the spirit of the streets when working in the parlament. It seems that you have been able to do that and I wish you all luck to continue doing that. Parlamentary politics are not the only way to organise democracy and we should always remember that we can change also the politics not only to integrate to that system we have.

As part of the left in Europe we all must work together to stop the rise of the extreme right, Xenophobia and racism. It is in unbearable that we as a rich and wealthy continent are constructing walls and let the desperate people drown and get killed while they are looking for safe and better life for their families. This is just pure evilness and selfishness of the rich against poor.

Together we can construct a better Europe. It is not easy and there is a lot of work to do, but it is possible and we should do it together. We can afford to help refugees, we can have work, bread and home for everybody. Our children can have schools and our elder people can have all the care they need.

The only thing we need to do together is to put the interests of the big capital aside and work for the people. Also in politics, not only on the streets. We need all our comrades all over the world for that change, but together we will do it.

Lots of luck for your electoral campaign! Let´s change the Europe!

Tiina Sandberg
General Secretary of Communist Party of Finland
